
Follow Me !

Rats want cheese, cats want milk and dogs want meat. When the bait is ready and juicy, the animal falls in the trap. That’s how a zoo is filled; hunters bait and wait for the animals to come to them. It would be far too dangerous to proactively chase certain creatures for they can turn cruel when cornered. The same analogy we see in nature is the same we need to apply among humans. Everyone has a price tag, something they hanker for, something that makes their heart echo with uncontrollable emotions. You must know what it is and create the illusion that you can help them get there. The donkey walks in front of the carrot in hope that he will one day eat it, while the traveller uses the donkey for transportation. When people come to you, you set the tune and the rhythm. Since they are willing to “work” for you, you have the power to ask yourself: 
“What can I use this person for”?  


See Me Now !

Information overload is the new era we live in. People have more choices and even less time to make to choice.  It’s easy to get lost, forgotten or not even notice at all. However, it is equally important to stand out and burn brightly. Solving this puzzle boils down to the type of attention you are seeking. You can wear a white suit at a funeral or a red wedding dress at your boss marriage party and be talked about in both cases.  The question is, is that the type of attention you want, if being a fool or a jerk is your life mission, then by all means go for it, but it is better to use your intelligence to control the design and the stage so you can in turn control the perception of the attention you are holding. 



Less is more. The less you say the more uncommon you appear to be. If you want to convince a friend, a family member or a colleague, do it with deeds and not words. Deeds live no room for argumentation or explanation. A tongue should dance nine times in your mouth before you utter something foolish, because once out, spoken words cannot be taken back. Furthermore, people will remember what you said and how you said it. The how will often carry more weight then the what because appearance counts for everything and what is invisible to the five senses counts for nothing.
However, there is a reverse to this coin … sometime you must play the king’ s joker and act dumber than your mark by being a big mouth.  This act makes you look powerless and weak …no one will suspect anything, the same way no one suspect the class clown to be first or the king’s joker to overthrow the kingdom…
Saying less Talking more two attributes of the same coin … the coin is always in your hand…

Brains shall be tied into a Gordian knot ... with accuracy

A dark snake with golden eyes has carved a hole in the center of your brain; the reptile is slowly tying up multiple intricate knots in different places of your brain creating anarchy among healthy neurons… This reptilian cancer has now overthrown your “head” office and even a chirurgical procedure would end up in brutal death or total paralysis…

Battles are first won on a psychological level. You must create constant pressure like the wheezing of an asthma attack, every breath the enemy takes must feel like it could be his last… Chock hold the opponent attention until their attention span snaps. Close off their access to resources in the outside world by creating a heightened sense of terror with unpredictable assaults, leaving them with a steamy feeling of defenselessness… 
...deadly riddles to dangerous to solve ...

When you feel they have giving in by giving up, like the body of the boxer about to hit the ground after a knock out blow to the face, tighten the noose even harder… You have created a mental hysterectomy, sterile …the mind of the rival is unable to reason properly and bear fruitful thoughts. The mental cancer will spread slowly and painfully like a venomous poison.