
Yes Master ... NO MASTER

The modern workplace can be compared to a jungle, where only the lions eat.  If you lurk around the giants territory trying to outdo his hard work and steal his lunch, you become the lunch while losing your ability to gain ultimate power. However, sometimes we witness the unthinkable paradox.  Egrets are found on the back of water buffalos. The bird will feed of ticks in exchange for protection and sometime free transportation.  Oxpeckers also feed of lice and ticks of the zebra’s back.  In exchange for free food, they warn the zebra by screaming when predators approach.  The same relationships are found in modern workplace. You provide a service for your boss in exchange for recognition, compensation, career development or professional network. The goal is simple. Strive to be in your bosses’ inner circle to benefits from his or her help until he or she withers down and is forgotten like a fallen star. You then get a shot at being the new boss having learned from the mistakes and successes of you predecessors. 


Crossing the Red Tape ... Maybe Not

Verizon Fios seems to be the new standard for Internet connectivity. One installer came to my house the other day in order to set it up. I told him that I already had a great router (N+ range) which is the Rolls Royce of all routers. He said he had to use Verizon equipment, even though their router was less powerful (G range) which is like having a Hyundai Sonata. This makes me wonder. What decisions would he have made if the CEO of Verizon was standing right next to him. He could have piggyback my router to the Verizon router and create a win win situation for his company and me. What is even more intriguing is that I called Verizon Tech support and the operator  told me it would take less than 2minutes to do it and the installer could take care of it. However, the installer did not want to “cross the red tape in order to make me happy” even though he had been working for Verizon for 11 years. 

 Are you afraid to cross the red tape in order to make a customer happy?  Will your boss fire you or give you a warning? What corporate culture are you creating to make it easy for employees to take “safe risk” in order to increase customer “loyalty”.
P.S. The wedding Funeral rule has it that one happy guest will tell 10 of his friends and one unhappy guest will tell all of his friends…


Ssshhh cut the noise

It starts when you wake up, the missed calls and text messages. It goes on when you check your email … the spam you waste precious time deleting. Even though you never signed up for it…
It continues when you turn on the radio in the car or the TV at work, every show, sitcom or movie is interrupted by advertising of products and services you probably do not want or need.
Then here comes the tidal wave, when you log into your social networks, the tweets, the requests, the invitations, the suggestions, the message board… (Who is this? Mmmh I wonder …)
It’s Clear, the digital noise is earsplitting and everywhere. Purge your mind. Suspend your cable for 30 days and save on a billing cycle. Turn your phone off for 24hrs. Cancel your account on facebook, my space or tweeter for two months. (No worries they keep your private information on site you can always come back when you want) Enjoy living on your own terms ... at least for a little while ....
When was the last time you sat down and wrote (pen and paper in hand) mom a letter. When was the last time you listened to music you enjoy and not what the media feeds you? Take a walk in the park and connect with nature. Every now and then, it is important to cut the noise and go back to the simple life.
Sweet Dreams ... Enjoy 


Pit Bull Herrera … No Apologies ... Keep ... Enemies even closer ....

For every one person you love, two will hate you.
For every one person you help, two will try to destroy you.
For every success you earn, two failures will be buried underneath.
Enemies are everywhere; learn to spot them by their indirect maneuvers and the double agenda they carry. Enemies are necessary; they are intense reminders not to sleep on your laurels. You are only as good as your last sale, your last achieved goal, your last endeavor.
Terminate your enemies on site. Leave them hanging between two options, which both further your objectives. (i.e. jump over the bridge either land on concrete or land on water but you have no choice but to jump). Leave them no room to scheme dirty takeovers on you, like a sniper once they cross the optical lens, one bullet should be enough.
Final thought…you both obliterate your enemies and send a clear message on how you will not be treated or be ruined by them. Your mind is the last line of static defense…