
Know Your Limits

The goal in war is the win while using the least amount of resources. The goal in life is to live while having the least amount of disease. This forces you to be both effective in reaching the outcome and efficient in the use of your assets. Doing more with less. The danger lies in overextending yourself and biting more than you can chew. As an example, people will sometimes get two or three jobs instead of focusing on the one that will carry them to the next level. You must know how far you are able to push and cherry pick your battles with the utmost prudence. Do not fight another man’s war, nor should you fight out of pride or anger, consider the consequences: time lost, money wasted, enemies created, opportunity cost.  It is true, sometime war is just inevitable. When that happens, you must force the other side to fight on your terms and not the other way around.  The less you have, the more creative you have to be. Knowing your limits forces you to be a realist, not an idealist or a capitalist but a man that has his mind and heart grounded in reality. If you are wealthy, fight the poor man’s war, if you are poor be tirelessly inventive, and if you are neither than make the very best of what you have.  
The value in what you want, is not in what you get but in what you pay for it… the final cost , the aftermath … always level the golden scale by knowing your limits and you can outlast the biggest Goliath  with a hand full of slingshots …