
The American Dream … delayed due to Non Sufficient Funds …

If you work hard and play by the rules you can make it in America.
People go to school, earn a degree or two, graduate with debt and work the rest of their lives trying to pay it back. In 2010, the average college graduate owed $24,000 in student loan while facing an unemployment rate of 8.7%. The majority of young grads hold back on having a family, buying a car or a house because they fell face first in the debt trap. The reality is, the four year college degree is overrated. College Universities are to education what casinos are to Las Vegas. It a huge gamble designs to keep you expanding your debt from books new edition every semester, to general education classes, to credit transfers and faculty professors that play God with you forcing you to play by their rules or flunk out.  From kinder garden you are brainwashed into believing that college is the right choice. If you do not go to college you will be a failure. Kids go in and come back like boomerangs not realizing how ill prepared they are to enter the knowledge factory that plays by four set of rules.
  1. 1.    Education success must take four years to achieved not matter what you are learning
  2. 2.    The economic rewards of a four year degree has nothing to do with what is being learned
  3. 3.    Urge people to get a four year degree, wait until they have spend enough time and money and then watch them drop out
  4. 4.    Marginalize everyone who does not have a four year degree

 College students end up dropping out, or committing suicide or worst going on a shooting spree… just remember what happened in Virginia Tech. I can help but wonder if college fosters this type of environment.  Since we live in a society obsess by status people would rather get a low paying white collar job then a high paying blue collar job which can earned in half the time with half the cost.
The question is not to focus on what the average college degree will bring you but to look at your own constellation of strengths and weaknesses and see what is going to fit you best whether it is a college degree, a vocational school or a trade school and who will you be competing against. Maybe the reason why we call it the American dream is because it only exists when we go to sleep and as we wake up we get a taste of the American nightmare. 


Ultimate Realism

See it for what it is ...
Watch what you see and pay attention to the details, for the devil lies in the unseen, the intangible realities that cannot be measured … Life requires seeing things for what they are. Make no exception to this rule… Sometimes the hardest skill to acquire is resisting the pull of emotions. Anger draws people into rash actions which they later regret. Fear is a magnifying glass that increases the true reality of the dangers you face. Love is probably the worst of all, for it blinds your reasoning and puts you in a world of ecstasy where someone else is controlling the switch. You cannot stop the pull of strong emotions, but you can have great awareness and decrease its negative effect to a minimum.  


Know Your Limits

The goal in war is the win while using the least amount of resources. The goal in life is to live while having the least amount of disease. This forces you to be both effective in reaching the outcome and efficient in the use of your assets. Doing more with less. The danger lies in overextending yourself and biting more than you can chew. As an example, people will sometimes get two or three jobs instead of focusing on the one that will carry them to the next level. You must know how far you are able to push and cherry pick your battles with the utmost prudence. Do not fight another man’s war, nor should you fight out of pride or anger, consider the consequences: time lost, money wasted, enemies created, opportunity cost.  It is true, sometime war is just inevitable. When that happens, you must force the other side to fight on your terms and not the other way around.  The less you have, the more creative you have to be. Knowing your limits forces you to be a realist, not an idealist or a capitalist but a man that has his mind and heart grounded in reality. If you are wealthy, fight the poor man’s war, if you are poor be tirelessly inventive, and if you are neither than make the very best of what you have.  
The value in what you want, is not in what you get but in what you pay for it… the final cost , the aftermath … always level the golden scale by knowing your limits and you can outlast the biggest Goliath  with a hand full of slingshots … 


Omnipresent … Like the Devil ... Can You be?

Timing is everything in life. Life itself ought to be built around the concept of being at the right places at the right time, which involve being at most of the places most of the time. However, very few human beings have the ability to be omnipresent. The key is to have eyes and ears where you are not, therefore taping into an informal network of spies, friends and allies. This network “pushes” critical information to you or allows you to “pull” valuable information from the network at your convenience. This allows you to save time while bypassing the hierarchy in any chain of command in which you work.  The information lets you uncover potential opportunities, or threats that you otherwise could not have seen coming.

Isolation is the enemy of inclusion. Do not build fortresses around you, making yourself hard to find or reach. This will only make you an easy target. When you cut yourself from the network of valuable information and people, you stagnate, pollute and eventually dry off like snow during a hot summer day. The pilot of a plane can only take off with today’s weather conditions, not the conditions he had three days ago.
Finally, it’s easy for a hunter to shot a stationary object than for him to hit a fast moving target. The fast moving target is you, connecting with people and places in different social layers making it easy to see more than just the tip of the iceberg.
If God is Omnipresent and the Devil is not ... 
Why can't you ?



Picture a sick man in a room. He has been there for a few years now. Pain and suffering have been so deep that he wishes for euthanasia every day. One day you step into that room with a smile on face, flowers, and gifts of joy in your hands. The man is an old friend so he is happy to see you, as he speaks about his pain; you are intrigue by the depths of his dark feelings and overwhelmed by his commanding personality. Time passes and before you know it you starts feeling weak, so weak you can barely make it to the door. The man ask you to stay just one more night and you will leave in the morning. As the sun rises in the sky your healthy body is completely contaminated.The doctor advises you that you a free to check out anytime you like but no one never leave the asylum. 
Do not die from another man's misery ...

People with misfortune and misery deserve all the help they can get, but beware, they have brought hell onto themselves, and they will bring it onto you as well. It is tempting to jump and try to save the drowning man, but with his dying strength, he pulls you deeper in the dark waters. If you “sync” with the misfortunate, they will download their viruses into your hard drive. Do the opposite, stay close to the privileged, the lucky, the blessed, the auspicious man and gain from their good fortune. 

Living at the speed of light

The thought of death can for a moment breathe more life into us. Society is organized to make death more evasive than ether. We seldom talk about it unless we lose a love one or experience a very narrow escape. People don’t go shopping for coffins, cemetery plots or incinerator services. However, at the back of our mind we know that death is inevitable, our days are numbered, and time sinks fast in the ocean of life. Do you ever wonder how many years or days you have left? Truth is your heart could stop before you finished reading this blog.

How much longer do you have left?
So do not wait for the perfect moment to start a new venture, enter new waters or stake everything on a single throw. Enter unchartered territories and no man’s land. When your back is against the wall and you know you cannot afford to lose. You won’t!  This can be anything from picking up a new skills or moving to another country to reconnecting with friends and family or just doing things you truly enjoy. Birth, school, work, career, marriage, children and it’s over.  It’s important to die without regrets.
It’s a good thing you still alive … go ahead live at the speed of light ... 

The Lebron James Story ... And why Legacy is greater than currency...

Black Coffin, priest, family members and old friends, red roses, tears of sorrow… How will they remember you?
We all would like to reach a point in our life where currency does not matter, where we have the ability to choose the path we want, and build a legacy. Those who say time is money are in the wrong when we put aside the zeros and the hours… 
Time is not money; it is what you make of it.

I believe Lebron James is at a point in his basketball career where money does not matter. He also paid his dues with the Cleveland team by single handedly increasing the value of the franchise by an extra 200 millions dollars.  He made the right move by living his old team and going to the Miami Heat to join forces with Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh.  Who wants to be the best player in the league with no ring? A king with no Crown…  Some people said Lebron was a traitor for living “home” and his teammates. Others took it further by saying that Cleveland made Lebron who he is today. Remember, people will always try to destroy you after you have been good to them. I wonder why is it that when an owner cuts a player it’s considered business as usual and when a player decides to go in a team where he has a better shot at winning he becomes the black sheep.
Each day, you build your legacy and when you leave people remember whom you were, at school, in college, at work, as a parent, a friend or even an enemy.
 See, you are who you are in this world and long after you're gone your legacy good or bad lives on...

Cavity Search

Upon arrest or incarceration, the standard detainee will go through a body cavity search. Armed with a flashlight, police will look for illegal drugs, money, weapons, or jewelry that can be hidden in body orifices like nostril, mouth, ears, urethra, vagina or rectum.
The contraband goods are valuable behind bars and can pose a risk to inmate and staff...
The difference between life and death sometime lies in one simple question:” Who am I dealing with”. When you have no clue about the person you are dealing with, you are drinking a potential poisonous liquid in the dark. You might hurt the innocent man and pay for it later, you might offend the snake with a long memory and pay for it later on in life or you might help the “right” person and waste valuable time and resources. It’s is clear that a cavity search is more invasive than a strip search, but it’s also true that you need to know as much as you can about someone before you let them in your house. The word “house” in this situation could be anything from emotional and professional relationships to business mergers and presidential elections.


Be Good.. yet know when to Be Bad

Society thrusts on us a moral code and ethical barometer by which one ought to abide and follow in order to be consistently right. However, we also witness the rise and fall of citizens who have broken all sort of criminal laws in order to gain supremacy.  This creates ambivalence in the way we think and act. In one hand, being too good may ultimately bring ruin and misery to one’s life. In the other hand, being bad will tarnish your reputation and compel you to live by the bow or die by the arrow. You will suffer for it in the end.  So when does one adjust its own morality according to circumstances? The secret is in knowing exactly when and how to be bad.  When the conditions call for it, you must be a tiger, downright brutal in protecting your territory or acting with blatant force in order to secure a position. At other times, you must be the crafty snake maneuvering and swindling in the midst of rivals while using scapegoats and cat paws to keep your hand sparkling clean.  Finally, you must repeatedly play the koala bear, the self-effacing, the submissive humble meek.  The roles are not easy to play, they require flexibility on the moral gauge, in order to plug in the right voltage of evil as the situation requires. Even though, the skill must be used sparingly, it creates more power and peace, than the man who opts out to be too good all the time. This cleverness is the metaphor of the little girl trapped in the body of a vixen giving fellatio to a man while holding a gun to his head with the safety feature off…
Little Girl (Koala Bear), Vixen (Tiger), Can you spot the Snake?

Yes Master ... NO MASTER

The modern workplace can be compared to a jungle, where only the lions eat.  If you lurk around the giants territory trying to outdo his hard work and steal his lunch, you become the lunch while losing your ability to gain ultimate power. However, sometimes we witness the unthinkable paradox.  Egrets are found on the back of water buffalos. The bird will feed of ticks in exchange for protection and sometime free transportation.  Oxpeckers also feed of lice and ticks of the zebra’s back.  In exchange for free food, they warn the zebra by screaming when predators approach.  The same relationships are found in modern workplace. You provide a service for your boss in exchange for recognition, compensation, career development or professional network. The goal is simple. Strive to be in your bosses’ inner circle to benefits from his or her help until he or she withers down and is forgotten like a fallen star. You then get a shot at being the new boss having learned from the mistakes and successes of you predecessors. 


Crossing the Red Tape ... Maybe Not

Verizon Fios seems to be the new standard for Internet connectivity. One installer came to my house the other day in order to set it up. I told him that I already had a great router (N+ range) which is the Rolls Royce of all routers. He said he had to use Verizon equipment, even though their router was less powerful (G range) which is like having a Hyundai Sonata. This makes me wonder. What decisions would he have made if the CEO of Verizon was standing right next to him. He could have piggyback my router to the Verizon router and create a win win situation for his company and me. What is even more intriguing is that I called Verizon Tech support and the operator  told me it would take less than 2minutes to do it and the installer could take care of it. However, the installer did not want to “cross the red tape in order to make me happy” even though he had been working for Verizon for 11 years. 

 Are you afraid to cross the red tape in order to make a customer happy?  Will your boss fire you or give you a warning? What corporate culture are you creating to make it easy for employees to take “safe risk” in order to increase customer “loyalty”.
P.S. The wedding Funeral rule has it that one happy guest will tell 10 of his friends and one unhappy guest will tell all of his friends…


Ssshhh cut the noise

It starts when you wake up, the missed calls and text messages. It goes on when you check your email … the spam you waste precious time deleting. Even though you never signed up for it…
It continues when you turn on the radio in the car or the TV at work, every show, sitcom or movie is interrupted by advertising of products and services you probably do not want or need.
Then here comes the tidal wave, when you log into your social networks, the tweets, the requests, the invitations, the suggestions, the message board… (Who is this? Mmmh I wonder …)
It’s Clear, the digital noise is earsplitting and everywhere. Purge your mind. Suspend your cable for 30 days and save on a billing cycle. Turn your phone off for 24hrs. Cancel your account on facebook, my space or tweeter for two months. (No worries they keep your private information on site you can always come back when you want) Enjoy living on your own terms ... at least for a little while ....
When was the last time you sat down and wrote (pen and paper in hand) mom a letter. When was the last time you listened to music you enjoy and not what the media feeds you? Take a walk in the park and connect with nature. Every now and then, it is important to cut the noise and go back to the simple life.
Sweet Dreams ... Enjoy 


Pit Bull Herrera … No Apologies ... Keep ... Enemies even closer ....

For every one person you love, two will hate you.
For every one person you help, two will try to destroy you.
For every success you earn, two failures will be buried underneath.
Enemies are everywhere; learn to spot them by their indirect maneuvers and the double agenda they carry. Enemies are necessary; they are intense reminders not to sleep on your laurels. You are only as good as your last sale, your last achieved goal, your last endeavor.
Terminate your enemies on site. Leave them hanging between two options, which both further your objectives. (i.e. jump over the bridge either land on concrete or land on water but you have no choice but to jump). Leave them no room to scheme dirty takeovers on you, like a sniper once they cross the optical lens, one bullet should be enough.
Final thought…you both obliterate your enemies and send a clear message on how you will not be treated or be ruined by them. Your mind is the last line of static defense…


Intensive versus Extensive

Some people rely on their skills in order to achieve a better life, others rely on their network. A strong marketable skill can truly be the difference between winning and losing, between having a job and being unemployed, between being in business and filling for bankruptcy. Sometimes in life there comes a time when you have to start all over, reinvent yourself and bury your past in yesterday’s obituary. Scan the market day in and day out, find out what people are willing to pay top dollar for and go acquire that skill. From white collar to blue collar, it’s about finding out what people want and giving it to them.
Nevertheless, a man must stay connected or suffer the consequences of living on an island. A network that runs wide and deep is a backbone for any serious professional, business, or even human for that matter. People say it’s all about who you know. I tell you it’s all about who you know and what you know. Who you know puts you on, what you know determine how long you stay.
Be intensive in the skills you choose with ultimate dexterity and be extensive in your network by knowing the “right people”…


Life cycles … Life filters

Belmont, Preakness, Kentucky Derby are all very prestigious races for any thoroughbred  horse that is strong enough and fast enough to win all three. We have not had a Triple Crown horse since 1978. The jockey, trainer and owner all play a very important role in the life cycle of a horse. Affirmed was the last known Triple Crown winner. He was euthanized and buried whole in 2001, which is the ultimate honor for a racehorse.
You are a racehorse. It is vital to understand how your training, employer and behavior will affect the different stages of your life cycle.  Birth, school, career, marriage, kids … death, life is over.  A person says life is short. Life is never short. Life is long, long enough for you to live with the decisions you make.

Life filters…
Some horses at the end of their life cycle are shipped overseas where the slaughtering of horses is legal. They will eventually become dog food for your Chihuahua or high priced meat in fancy restaurants.
The way a story ends has a lot to do with the way it begins. The mental and emotional filters you go through on a day-to-day basis will eventually shape who you are, the way you live and how you die…


Organic versus Synthetic

Compare the feeling you get when you are surrounded by loves ones, when you are deeply in love or when you are doing something you utterly enjoy, to the feeling you get when you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The first one is organic, the second one is synthetic. Synthetic feelings can be bought and recreated many times over but they come at a cost, which is your health. High fructose corn syrup is a synthetic sugar that tricks your body into thinking that it should release insulin. Over time, if you keep drinking sodas even diet or zero calorie sodas, your body takes a toll and leaves you with fresh needles to regulate your sugar level.
Synthetic fat is even worst, since your body has not clue how to digest it.
You are what you eat. So eat well, eat healthy. Choose the joy of healthy organic food over that of synthetic dangerous victuals.


Job Security ... Yea right !

A good friend just told me, you know Paul; I have been working for this company for 10 years. Two weeks after I got my commemorative plaque, they fired me, no severance pay, no nothing.
This makes me wonder
Do you aim for job security or job employability?
Job security is a fancy dream people buy into after being with a company for a while. Job employability is working on expanding and fine-tuning your marketable skills. Job security is yesterday’s pipe dream. Job employability is today’s early nightmare. The good news is you get to pick your poison. You can work hard, extra hard and hope they do not offshore your position overseas, outsource you for someone who can do it better, faster and cheaper or you can increase your expertise and take the highest bid…
Next time you are sitting on a toilet seat, ask yourself two simple questions.
1- Am I replaceable?
2- Am I indispensable?
The answer will tell you what should be your next move.
P.S. Oh, we are sorry but XYZ no longer works for the company…


Sacrificing Friends ... maybe

2000 years ago, Archimedes set out to solve an uncommon problem, by answering an unconventional question:” How many grand of sand would it take to fill the universe?” After much mathematical equation, he was able to find the answer, which of course would no fit on conventional calculators.
Now let us step back for a moment, if you were to sacrifice few friends and many enemies by throwing their soul in the universe, which one would be in line at the first call… When starting something new, most people never set out to make friends nor enemies but end up finding both as they gradually make it to the top. Picking and choosing enemies is both an art and a science. Enemies are more predictable and loyal than you think, however when it comes to friends, loyalty and predictability becomes a moving target. Think twice of friends for they are more easily aroused to both envy and resentment and will hurt you more often then not. Unlike Archimedes, you might not have to find how many grand of sand would fill the universe but you do have to find out how many true friends will fill your life.
1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 was the answer find by the great Archimedes … Eureka I have found it!


Never go past your prime ... Part 2

 Sooner or later there comes a time when the power changes hands, the platform holds new players and the old dynasty is left in the dust. From politics to business to relationships, we all get a taste of this reality. This is why first-class planning and skillful implementation is so important. Plan all the way to the end, thinking of every possible obstacles and twist of fortune that might change the outcome and put the glory in other people’s hand.
There is no substitute to good planning. Actually it seems like the only alternative is no planning at all… and we all know where that ends...


Never go past your Prime … Part 1

Witnessing Cassius clay trying to fight past his prime, or Mike Tyson being knocked out by his “little brother” was not a pretty sight. Understanding that you will not be at the top forever forces you to make choices about things that matter in your life… No one stays young forever, you can slow down the years of wear and tear but you just cannot eliminate it, it is biologically not feasible…  

Careers and jobs are the same. They never end the way they start.     Jobs are time sensitive, easy to get, yet easy to lose. Careers are time consuming, hard to start one, but very rewarding once you do.  Jobs are like fast food, the freshness only last but so long, careers are like wine, they get better with time.

So if you stuck in a job, find a career and do not go past your prime …


Mama said: " No... It's not going to be OK! "

When caught in the act, people will always wish for forgiveness or expect the other party to be understanding. Tiger Woods was upset when he heard that a paparazzi followed his daughter to school after the scandal. He asked them politely to please back off…
I just read in my university newspaper that a professor was fired for calling himself a “nigger on the corporate plantation”.
The law of unintended consequences affects both heroes and villains, you play long enough with fire not to burn your self or you ultimately are cremated. It looks like a scene from a bad movie, a faithful husband becomes unfaithful in the face of temptation. A “good” woman is caught cheating on her husband while pregnant at the hospital. The sure thing, the done deal becomes obsolete because the applicant lied on his application. Lines are crossed, rules are broken, and someone is shuddering for dear life…
It’s hard-hitting, it’s really tough, but yea Mom said no it’s not going to be OK …



Knowing your craft these days is not enough. You have to devote yourself to the core of it and constantly be pushing the envelope of excellence. People usually settle for good enough or a passing grade. It’s like a student aiming for a C grade in a tough class. C grades are enough if you are trying to get by, but getting by these days is just not enough because eventually, whatever was acquired will be taken away from you in a heartbeat.
At the bottom of the pyramid lies the dirtiest competition armed with unconventional warfare. They will do whatever it takes to bring you down. The only way out ... is to keep climbing, passing and learning from your competitors, building up practical skills knowledge and aptitudes related to your business, your sport or your career.
Craftsmanship is what sets apart whiners from winners …

It was written in Blood

People always wish for a happy ending but reality is usually hard to swallow like a pig's pill…
Toyota was once the cornerstone of reliability when it came to cars and their longevity. Today, the Japanese manufacturer has had more than 400,000 models recalled in the U.S and about 8 million worldwide.
Is Toyota's reputation on the line? Are customers willing to forgive the automaker? The most important questions are: how will the message change as it travels through the grapevine and what will the ultimate impact in terms of revenue and reputation be for Toyota?
Reputation is priceless, hard to build yet easy to lose.
Whatever your mission in life may be, spend time building a watertight reputation through solid actions and a proven track record. A reputation that will “speak” and “fight” for itself without you having to be there.
Finally, when it will comes time for your reputation to be tested, you would have already won before reaching the battlefield.


Anti - Cupid Day

I stole Cupid’s Arrow and aimed it at his heart to see if he could fall in love.
He fell from the Sky, death in his eyes while whispering his last words.
He said: “Sometimes love is not enough” …

Happy Valentines day!


Do you commit ?

Negotiated infidelity.
The concept.
Couples chose to negotiate their “infidelity” by sleeping with whoever they want. The interactions that take place outside of the relationship must strictly be based on sex only, not intimacy.
This bring us to two questions
Does transparency and honesty strengthen human relations?
Or does it open you for attacks and manipulation?
When you prey on people‘s fantasies while dangling the appropriate bait in front of them, you can “compel “them to commit. Understand people, even play with them but never give them the satisfaction of a commitment. Focus on passing out capsules of hope that are time sensitive.
It is the fool and crazy who scuttle to sign on a dotted line …
Commit to no one but yourself, pray to no god but your own and trust no one but you.


Le Sablier du Temps

We all walk the face of the earth with an expiration date embedded in us like a life clock. The value of time swells up or dwindles down depending on whose holding it. However, we all get the same deal: “24 hours” nothing more, nothing less. A year, a month, a day, a few seconds could mean anything to a medical student, parents of a premature child, victims of a plane crash, separated lovers, loyal friends or even villains.
P.S. Forget the importance of time and you become its merciless victim…in a heartbeat… until you wake up one morning and witness your life walking out on you…


Making it through the meat grinder…

The same city, that once was the heart of Katrina's disaster, is now bearing the torch as Champions of the Super Bowl XLIV. From tragedy to triumph New Orleans Saints made a big H in history by winning against the Indianapolis Colts.
Haiti was struck by Mother Nature with an earthquake of unexpected proportion. Cities were divided between life and death across all ages. Today the whole world is landing a helping hand in rebuilding the city, its people and a nation.
Nine years ago, New York fell victim of the heartbreaking stratagem of 9/11. The whole world watched as the twin towers were collapsing and the soul of the city with it. Today we remember New York Yankees 2009 World Series win.
Whether it’s a business, a team, a country, Success comes to those who stick and are able to hold a little longer, a little harder, making it through the meat grinder.


Tools & Fools

Tools and Fools
Two questions…
1. What tools are you using?
2. Can you Use Technology to build massive leverage?
In the world wide web, Competitive intelligence tools have allowed brand new designed websites geared toward products or services to pick up the hard work from many competitors, by “pilfering” their keywords, advertising copies, and analyzing what has worked for them in both long and short terms.
It’s unethical practice maybe even unfair but drastically results driven …
Job Applicants can send over a 101 applications within 30 seconds to comparable job positions by using the “quick apply” option of career oriented websites therefore increasing their exposure to potential employers.
It’s ethical, fair and yes drastically result driven?
Amazon was the first to come up with the Kindle, Barnes and Noble introduced the Nook, soon Apple will change the playing field by pioneering the I-pad which can do everything the previous two digital tools did and more, much more …
When it comes to things you care about, leave nothing to chance.
Use better tools … or be a bigger fool


Let them know you mean Business

Picture a double barrel gun with a red Tie On.
That’s the image you ought to be when trying to convince someone.
Boldness is a necessity.
Keep these four letters in mind at all time and know which one to play with depending on the situation.
F for Fear … Is it better to be feared than it is to be loved? You bet it is. Love creates a cloud that will put your reasoning in a wheelchair. You can only roll but so fast. Fear on the other hand; makes people respond faster because they know they have something to lose whatever that is…
U for Urgency… The response you have when the boat is sinking compared to when it’s cruising at full speed is always different. Since perception is reality, if you can alter one’s perception you can transform his or her reality and force them into the choices you want. Alter one’s perception by creating extreme urgency mixed with fear then they have nowhere to run but in the nest you lay before them.
G for Greed … Greed is good. Greed for love, greed for success, greed for happiness
However, when being greedy, remember this: “pigs get fat and hogs get slaughtered”. "Juggle" on people’s blind greed, by the time they realize they have transformed from pig to hog it will be to late as they are being drag to the slaughter house by their cannon bones.
I for Indifference … no one cares neither should you!!! If you can’t have it,
if you can’t own it, if you can’t control it, be indifferent.
Indifference is the best answer.