
Sacrificing Friends ... maybe

2000 years ago, Archimedes set out to solve an uncommon problem, by answering an unconventional question:” How many grand of sand would it take to fill the universe?” After much mathematical equation, he was able to find the answer, which of course would no fit on conventional calculators.
Now let us step back for a moment, if you were to sacrifice few friends and many enemies by throwing their soul in the universe, which one would be in line at the first call… When starting something new, most people never set out to make friends nor enemies but end up finding both as they gradually make it to the top. Picking and choosing enemies is both an art and a science. Enemies are more predictable and loyal than you think, however when it comes to friends, loyalty and predictability becomes a moving target. Think twice of friends for they are more easily aroused to both envy and resentment and will hurt you more often then not. Unlike Archimedes, you might not have to find how many grand of sand would fill the universe but you do have to find out how many true friends will fill your life.
1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 was the answer find by the great Archimedes … Eureka I have found it!


Never go past your prime ... Part 2

 Sooner or later there comes a time when the power changes hands, the platform holds new players and the old dynasty is left in the dust. From politics to business to relationships, we all get a taste of this reality. This is why first-class planning and skillful implementation is so important. Plan all the way to the end, thinking of every possible obstacles and twist of fortune that might change the outcome and put the glory in other people’s hand.
There is no substitute to good planning. Actually it seems like the only alternative is no planning at all… and we all know where that ends...


Never go past your Prime … Part 1

Witnessing Cassius clay trying to fight past his prime, or Mike Tyson being knocked out by his “little brother” was not a pretty sight. Understanding that you will not be at the top forever forces you to make choices about things that matter in your life… No one stays young forever, you can slow down the years of wear and tear but you just cannot eliminate it, it is biologically not feasible…  

Careers and jobs are the same. They never end the way they start.     Jobs are time sensitive, easy to get, yet easy to lose. Careers are time consuming, hard to start one, but very rewarding once you do.  Jobs are like fast food, the freshness only last but so long, careers are like wine, they get better with time.

So if you stuck in a job, find a career and do not go past your prime …


Mama said: " No... It's not going to be OK! "

When caught in the act, people will always wish for forgiveness or expect the other party to be understanding. Tiger Woods was upset when he heard that a paparazzi followed his daughter to school after the scandal. He asked them politely to please back off…
I just read in my university newspaper that a professor was fired for calling himself a “nigger on the corporate plantation”.
The law of unintended consequences affects both heroes and villains, you play long enough with fire not to burn your self or you ultimately are cremated. It looks like a scene from a bad movie, a faithful husband becomes unfaithful in the face of temptation. A “good” woman is caught cheating on her husband while pregnant at the hospital. The sure thing, the done deal becomes obsolete because the applicant lied on his application. Lines are crossed, rules are broken, and someone is shuddering for dear life…
It’s hard-hitting, it’s really tough, but yea Mom said no it’s not going to be OK …